Building Permits & Inspections
After obtaining your building permit and during your project, you will be required to have a number of inspections. These inspections should be scheduled through the CitizenServe portal. If you have any issues scheduling an inspection, please contact our office.
Tammy Williams
Building Inspection Secretary
Phone: 801-804-4540
Kelly Albrecht
Building Permit Technician
Phone: 801-804-4547
Inspections shall be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance. If your inspection cannot be ready by 8 AM then you must schedule for the next day. Failure to be ready at time inspection is scheduled will result in a re-inspection fee of $93. No further inspections will be performed until the fee is paid at the City Office.
Types of Inspections
Set Back & Footings
Placement on property based on the approved site plan will be verified, have string lines pulled representing the property lines. Forms and reinforcing steel must be in place prior to inspection. Provide site specific geotechnical reports to inspectors at time of the inspection.
Forms and reinforcing steel must be in place prior to inspection. UFER ground will be verified.
Structured Masonry/Bond Beam
These inspections shall be performed by private third-party inspectors. All inspectors must be approved by the Building Official prior to the inspection. All reports from the third-party inspector shall be provided to Spanish Fork City Building Department.
Water Lateral
1" minimum size/36" minimum depth
Sewer Lateral
Sewer laterals shall be filled with water to not less than 10-foot head and be able to maintain such pressure for 15 minutes. Sewer test plug shall be removed with the inspector on site to verify flow.
Temporary Power
Inspection of temporary pedestal with grounding rod, all outlets GFCI protected (not permitted on single family residential).
Suspended Concrete
Inspection of forms & reinforcing steel prior to placement of concrete (including pre-cast).
Underground Plumbing, Electrical, and/or Mechanical
Inspection of all underground or under slab work prior to burial or concrete covering.
Under Slab Plumbing – Minimum of 5 PSI air test or 5 foot head of water for 15 minutes. Underground Power Trench – before backfilling/48” minimum.
Exterior Shear Wall
Inspection of all structural sheathing, foundation straps, and all other mechanical connectors on the exterior prior to installation of weather barrier.
Flashing & Weather Barrier
Performed after installation of exterior weather barrier, window, door & other flashings, lath and expansion joints, also prior to installation of siding, masonry, and/or roofing products. All penetrations must be sealed. When the outside ambient temperature is above 100F or below 40F, special precautions need to be taken. In cold weather, tenting and heating is required before inspection can be done.
4-way and (Sprinkler System When Applicable)
Inspection of framing, structural members, shear walls, and all roughed-in electrical, mechanical, fuel gas piping, and plumbing installations. Includes rough-in of sprinkler system piping to be performed by the Fire Marshal and scheduled separately through the Fire Marshal’s office. Shear and gas line pressure test inspections are required to be scheduled separately.
Gas Line Pressure TestGas line needs to be installed and pressurized to 3 PSI minimum. Typically, they are pressurized to 15 PSI.
Shower Pan
The shower pan shall be filled with water to a depth of not less than 2 inches deep measured at the threshold. Test duration is 15 minutes minimum.
Inspection of electrical service panel prior to utility hook up. Meter base & grounding system shall be in compliance with the current Building Codes and City Standards.
Inspection to ensure insulation, doors, windows, and HVAC meet IECC requirements or the submitted RES check/Com check.
To be performed after installation of sheetrock but before it is taped or mudded.
Ceiling Grid
To be performed after installation of the framing grid work but before the ceiling tiles are installed. Lights and HVAC terminations shall be installed prior to inspection.
This consists of an inspection of the completed building or structure prior to use or occupancy. Final inspection checklist available here or in the office.
Sprinkler Systems
2-part; Inspection of rough in sprinkler piping; Inspection & testing of completed system.
NOTE: If your inspection is not on this list try engineering inspections.
To schedule a public works inspection call the engineering department at 801-804-4550.