Station/Equipment Info


Antique Trucks
52firetruck1952 American La France 700 Series Pumper
1952 Fire Truck This fine piece of firefighting equipment made its debut to Spanish Fork City, July of 1952, just in time for the City's 24th of July parade and celebrations. 1952 was also the year Spanish Fork City hosted the annual Utah State Fireman's Association convention, August 7-9, when this truck was proudly displayed at that time.

This truck "worked its heart out" with the volunteer firemen of Spanish Fork City, protecting its citizens and their properties. The same held true for many others in our surrounding communities which was served through our mutual aid.

This pumper truck has been placed at the Utah Museum of Fire Service History Firefighters Memorial Foundation in Tooele on display for you to admire, appreciate, and possibly bring back memories of a day gone by but with efforts like these, not forgotten.

This 1952 American La France 700 series pumper has seen a much more active duty life from 1952 through 2000, but we hope it will remain of great service for all who view it and it can continue public service for many years to come.

1937 American LaFrance Fire Truck
On display at the fire station.
By Marvin Banks