Policies & Fees

Library Hours

Mon - Thurs: 10 am - 8 pm
Fri: 10 am - 6 pm
Sat: 10 am - 4 pm

Library Location

80 S Main St
Spanish Fork, UT 84660
Phone: (801) 804-4480

Library Accounts

Is the library free for everyone?
Many of the library's services are open to the public and free to all individuals, regardless of where they live. The ability to check out materials, however, requires an active library account in good standing. Residents of Spanish Fork City may receive a library account at no cost. A resident means a person whose principal place of residence is within a voting precinct in Spanish Fork City. Individuals who are not residents of Spanish Fork City may apply for a non-resident library account and pay the associated fees (listed in the fee schedule below). A non-resident is anyone whose principal place of residence is not within a voting precinct of Spanish Fork City.

How do I know if I'm a Spanish Fork resident?
One way to tell if you reside in Spanish Fork City is to review the Spanish Fork City map and identify if your residence is located within the city boundary marked on the map (the dotted brown line). If you are unsure, you can call or text us (801.804.4480), email us (library@spanishfork.gov), or come into the library.

I live in Benjamin, Lakeshore, or somewhere else in the County but still have Spanish Fork listed in my address. Do I qualify for a free Spanish Fork Library card?
No. Despite Spanish Fork being marked as the city in your address, you do not reside in Spanish Fork City. If you would like a library account, you will need to pay for a non-resident account.

I have property in Spanish Fork but live somewhere else. Do I qualify for a free Spanish Fork Library card?
No. You must reside in Spanish Fork to qualify. If you would like a library account, you will need to pay for a non-resident account.

I own a business or work in Spanish Fork. Do I qualify for a free Spanish Fork Library card?
No. You must reside in Spanish Fork to qualify. If you would like a library account, you will need to pay for a non-resident account.

I vote in person in Spanish Fork.  Do I qualify for a free Spanish Fork Library card?
Individuals voting in Utah County can do so at any of the County's in-person polling locations. Just because you vote in-person in Spanish Fork does not mean that you are a Spanish Fork resident.

Library Account Requirements

All who wish to apply for a  library card must do so by the following requirements:

  1. Be at least 5 years of age. Persons under the age of 18 must have an adult sign them up to use the library under the parent or guardian's account.
  2. Have a photo ID and show proof of residency (city bill or other mail with current address). 
Library Materials Information
Item Type Loan Periods Number that can be Checked Out
Books 21 days  Depends on number of other items checked out
Audio books 21 days 10 
Movies 7 days
Video Games 14 days 2
Literacy Backpack 7 days
Playaway View 7 days
Periodicals 21 days 10 
Music CD 21 days  8
Kindle E-readers 21 days ($1.00 day) 1 per household 

Apply for a Library Account Online
Individuals can now apply for a library account online! Individuals without a library account can apply online to receive access to all of our physical and digital content. Accounts for residents will not be activated until the individual provides proof of residency and shows a valid form of ID. If you already have a library account, you do not need to complete this application.

To apply for a library account, complete our Library Card application,

Library Fee Schedule

Non Resident Fees
Annual Fee $110.00
Six-month Fee $55.00
Late Fines and Other Fees
Book fines $0.10/day
Audio fines $0.10/day
Video fines $0.10/day
Literacy Backpack fines $0.50/day
Playaway View fines $1.00/day
B&W Print/Copy $0.10/page
Color Print/Copy $0.50/page
Laminating $0.10/inch
Lost Items value of item
Replacement cards $2.00/card
Interlibrary Loans $4.00/loan
Study & Meeting Rooms
Study Rooms Free
Conference Rooms $10/hour
Heritage Room Resident: $50/hour
Non-Resident: $100/hour

After-Hours Staffing Fee: $30/hour
Refundable Cleaning & Security Deposit: $500

Meeting Room/Patio Rental Policy
Approved by the Library Board on October 27, 2009

A.  The Library has meeting rooms available for public use which may be used during library hours. Arrangements must be made in advance of room use to ensure availability. A rental room agreement, provided by the library, must be completed prior to use of a room. Non-refundable fees for room use will be charged as established by the City Council.

B.  Groups using the meeting rooms are required to vacate the rooms promptly if another group is scheduled for use of the room following the specified time frame; also at a reasonable amount of time prior to closing.

Meeting rooms shall not be used by groups or individuals for illegal purposes or for purposes that would interfere with the operation of the library. Groups or individuals wishing to show copyrighted films or use of similar materials must first secure and present to the library written permission to do so from the holder of the copyright, or must submit evidence that public performance rights for the materials have otherwise been granted.

C.  The library does not provide storage for the property of groups or individuals using meeting rooms. The library will not be responsible for any loss or damage to property, including equipment, personal belongings, decoration, or other items owned by the groups or individuals using meeting rooms. Rulings of the City Fire Code as to room capacity, aisle space and other matters will be observed.

D.  Neither the name nor the address of the library may be used as the official mailing address or headquarters of any individual or group using meeting rooms.

E.  The individual who applies for the use of a meeting room will be responsible for discipline of those in attendance and for care of the room, furnishings, and equipment. The library will hold the applicant financially liable for any damage to library property which occurs during the meeting or program. The applicant is also responsible to leave the meeting area in a clean, orderly condition. Failure to comply may result in denial of future use of meeting rooms for the applicant and group using meeting rooms.

F.  Study rooms may also be used at no cost. These may be reserved as scheduling allows or used if available. It is recommended to check with the library for prior reservations before using a study room.

G.  The library’s back patio may also be reserved for community or group events. Reserving the patio in advance will allow use of the electrical outlets and prevent other groups from claiming the space prior to your arrival. Reservation of the patio will be charged the same as above for meeting rooms.  

(Revised: October 27, 2009)


Spanish Fork Public Library's Internet and Online Access Policy General Introductory Statements.
A. Public access to the Internet and online services is an integral part of the Library's programs and services. The intent of this policy is to meet the provisions of Sections 9-7-213, 9-7-215, and 9-7-216 UCA, and Administrative Rule R458-2, as well as provide guidelines for patrons and staff regarding Internet and wireless accessibility and online access.

B. This Policy document will be reviewed by the Spanish Fork Library Board at least every three years, and a copy of the new policy will be sent to the Utah State Library Division as required by Administrative Rule R458-2.

(Revised June 12, 2019) Legal Requirements.
A. The Library's Internet Access Policy complies with Section 9-7-215 Internet and online access policy required, and Section 9-7-216 Process and content standards for policy UCA, as well as reporting procedures established by Utah Administrative Rule R458-2.

B. The Library has in place a policy of Internet safety for minors, including the operation of a technology protection measure, hereafter called “filtering software,” on any publicly accessible computer with Internet access that protects against access to visual depictions that are child pornography, materials harmful to minors, or obscene. The Library has in place a filter for wireless online access. The filtering software will be enforced to provide Internet safety during any use of a computer by a minor.

C. Library policy restricts access to Internet sites that contain visual depictions that are child pornography, harmful to minors or obscene, and may also limit Internet access or otherwise protect against materials other than the materials specified in Utah statute.  Filtering software will provide Internet safety for all library computers connected to the Internet.  However, an authorized library representative may disable a technology protection measure at the request of an adult patron to enable Internet access for research or other lawful purposes.

D. This policy disapproves the use of public access Internet computers for online gambling and any illegal purposes in an effort to protect patrons and the library against materials other than the materials specified in Utah law.

E. While we strive to prevent objectionable material from being accessible on the Internet through the use of filtering software, there is no system that is guaranteed completely safe; therefore, parents of minors need to accept responsibility for their children using the Internet and for the content of the sites that they access. Implementation Requirements.
A. A notice of the availability of this Policy will be posted in a conspicuous place within the library for all patrons to observe.

B. The Library will not be responsible for damage to any user’s personal computer or property, or for the loss of data, damage, or liability that may occur from patron use of the Library’s Internet connection or malfunctioning Library software or hardware, including information downloaded at the Library and used on a patron’s personal home computer; including but not limited to computer viruses. Internet users should be aware that some sites do not provide a secure medium for transmitting personal information.

C. Internet users must respect copyright laws and licensing agreements. Materials obtained from the Internet may be subject to copyright law, which prohibits the unauthorized reproduction or distribution of copyrighted materials. Any responsibility for consequences arising from copyright infringement or any other illegal use lies with the user. Illegal acts involving Library computing resources will subject the user to prosecution by local, state, or federal authorities, and will result in a loss of computer and/or Library privileges.

D. Procedures and guidelines are hereby established to handle complaints about this policy, enforcement of this policy by library staff, and what a patron should do if they observe inappropriate behavior by another library patron.  A notice of the availability of these procedures for public review will be posted, as well as the policies made readily available to all staff members.  These procedures and guidelines will be adhered to by library staff to enforce the requirements of Sections 9-7-215 and 9-7-216 UCA.  Internet and Online Access Policy for the Spanish Fork Library allows individuals to have access to Internet use for 60-minute time increments.  During this time, the Policy must be complied with.  Violations of the policy will result in loss of Internet privileges.  A library card or a guest pass is necessary to use the Internet computers. Library accounts must be in good standing with no fines over $10.  Guest passes are available for non-card holders.

E. The Spanish Fork Library Staff reserves the right to monitor Internet usage if there is a complaint or a violation of policy; at this time, the Internet user will be given a warning.  If continued violation persists, Internet usage will be terminated.  Repeated offenders will not be allowed to access the Internet for a specified amount of time.  If a Library patron observes inappropriate Internet usage by another patron, they should report it directly to a staff member in order for the staff to take immediate and effective action.
(Revised: June 25, 2013; June 28, 2016; June 12, 2019)

Request for Reconsideration of Materials
Patrons with concerns regarding the content of a particular item in the Library's collection may request that the item be reviewed by the Library Director, according to the Library's policies. To request that an item be reviewed, please complete the Request for Reconsideration of Materials form.

Author Submissions
Authors seeking to have their publications added to our collection must first complete the Author Submissions form. We require that authors mail us a copy of the book for us to review before we will decide if it will be added to the collection. Please review the Author Submissions form.  for more information.

Other Policies
All other library policies are available in our Library Policy Manual.

Library Board

The Library Board usually meets the fourth Tuesday of the month at the library at 5:00 p.m. Individuals wishing to attend should contact the Library Director to confirm the meeting schedule for that month.

You may email the Library Board at libraryboard@spanishfork.gov.

Library Board Members
Scott Aylett - Library Director (801-804-4488; saylett@spanishfork.gov)
Stacy Beck - City Council Representative (sbeck@spanishfork.gov)
Benjamin Sansom - Board Chair
Melanie Shockley - Secretary
Angie Gorrell
Becky Hill
Julie Rust
Zylia Lopez

Library Board Minutes and Agendas
Agendas, minutes, and recordings of the Library Board's meetings are available online, Agendas are posted 1 week before the meeting, and a recording of the meeting is available within 3 days of the meeting.