Frequently Asked Questions

Spanish Fork Community Theater

Spanish Fork Community Theater LogoPlease read through our FAQs. If you don't find the answer to your question, please contact us and we will be happy to help!

How do I get involved with SFCT?

We are always looking for volunteers to help with our productions. If you are interested in acting, we invite you to audition for a role. If you are interested in helping backstage or with the production crew, please contact us by emailing If you are interested in serving on our board, please read about the board member requirements and fill out an online application.

What is the cost for being in a play at SFCT?

There is no set charge for participation at this time. We do ask that each actor provide his or her own costumes. Many times, we have costumes that are suitable for you, but if we do not have something in our collection, you will need to rent or create your own costume. For each production, you will have the option of purchasing a show T-shirt, but this is optional. 

Do you pay your actors or production staff?

Actors are not paid and most of our staff work on a volunteer basis. We do pay some positions (such as the director), but most people participate in SFCT productions because they have a passion for community theater. 

Can children participate in SFCT productions?

Depending on the show choice, we sometimes need children and other times we do not. Children under the age of 14 will need to have an adult supervisor at every rehearsal. We encourage families to audition together!

How do I rent costumes or set pieces from SFCT??

We do like to rent or trade costumes and set pieces with other local theaters and schools as well as the occasional individuals. Please send an email to and we will be happy to give you more information.

How do I donate to SFCT?

We are happy to accept donations of costumes, fabric, construction materials, paint, and other useful items. We also appreciate monetary donations! You can also volunteer your time as we are always looking for help backstage, set building, taking tickets, and more! Please email us to let us know of your interest and we will send you information on becoming an SFCT patron or sponsor.