Park Hours
Park Open March 1-November 30
About the Park
The compass you cross to enter the park suggests a sense of togetherness in a forward direction. In Latin, com means “with or together” and passus means “a pace, step.” The entire premise of the park is this idea of stepping together and having something for everyone.
The Sensory Garden is a quieter space to touch, smell, see and hear with a number of interactive toys and musical instruments. The garden acts as a refuge from the excitement and energy of the park.
The Incredible Tree stands 24 feet tall with a 16-foot platform and slide. Those in wheelchairs can enjoy the first level of the treehouse and even peer inside the tree trunk from an elevated platform. The metal slide on the playground has two purposes. 1) To eliminate static electricity from plastic slides that can negatively affect cochlear implants. 2) With a small seat at the base of the slide, individuals who need assistance to walk can scoot themselves over to await help while others continue to enjoy the slide.
The zip line feature contains two seats with seat belts and harnesses.
The Liberty Swing is a wheelchair-only swing. Those wanting to use the swing should be trained on its operation and will receive a key to access and use the feature.
The mountain, Ford Falls, river, and splash pad have the capacity to pump 750 gallons of water per minute. The ADA-ramp that goes through the mountain allows all visitors to access the sweeping vistas from the mountain overlooks.
A single entrance to the park was incorporated into the design after a design meeting with many special needs families. Having an enclosed park helps to keep family members safe, especially those prone to run or wander.
Another feature added after the design meeting with families was a number of family restrooms. All family restrooms have a toddler seat and one of the rooms contains a full-size changing table for bigger kids or even adults that need help changing.
Walking Trail: 2/3 mile per lap
Number (Varieties) of Trees: 285 (26)
Number (Varieties) of Shrubs: 3200 (50)
Sod square-footage: 215,000 ft2
Park Design
The All-Abilities Park was designed by In Site Design, with input from several local families with kids with special needs. The goal of this park is to have something for everyone, regardless of their abilities.
Project Miracles
Below is a video about miracles that took place in developing the park.
Are dogs allowed into the park?
Service dogs are the only animals allowed into the park. This does not include emotional support animals. For other dogs, the dog park is just around the corner!
What are the park hours?
The park will be open from 9 a.m. to sundown from March 1 - November 30th.
Why is there a compass?
Compass comes from the Latin terms com meaning "step or pace" and passus meaning "together". This phrase encapsulates the purpose of the park as those with differing abilities step together and reach new heights.
Is there only one entrance to the park?
Yes! For the safety of patrons, there is only one entrance and exit to the park.
Can I rent the pavilions?
The Bell Tower Pavilion at the park is rentable. Other pavilions at the park cannot be rented. For more information on renting the Bell Tower Pavilion see our Pavilions page.
What does All-Abilities mean?
The purpose of the park is to provide a place where families can play together regardless of physical ability or disability. Many of the features were designed to accommodate those with special needs, from our ADA ramps in each part of the park, metal slides for those with cochlear implants, and ziplines that have a pull-down harness. Our hope is that there is something for everyone and families don't have to split up and go to different parks because of a special need in their family.
What months of the year will the splash pad be open?
The splash pad will be open from May 15 to September 15 each year.
How do I get a key to allow my disabled child to use the Liberty (wheelchair) swing?
Contact the park supervisor at the park and they will train you on how to use the swing and issue you a key.
Who should I contact if I see an issue with the park?
If you experience an issue at the park, please contact our Parks & Recreation office at 801-804-4600.
How tall is the treehouse?
The Incredible Tree stands 24-feet tall with a 16-foot tall slide.

Park Map