Start Smart Baseball (4 & 5 yrs old)
Register NowStart Smart Baseball is a game/instructional style league. Teams will play at rotating times on Tuesdays and Thursdays beginning in June. Facilitators will teach skills. Parents & Coaches will practice/reinforce the skills taught. Registration begins in January.
Current Schedules:
T-Ball (5 yrs - 1st Grade)
Register NowGames will be played on weeknights beginning mid-May. Registration begins in January.
Current Schedules:
Coach Pitch (1st - 2nd Grades)
Register NowGames will be played on weeknights beginning mid-May. Registration begins in January.
Current Schedules:
Girls' Softball (3rd - 9th Grades)
Register NowGirls' Softball is divided into three leagues depending on grade. The Falcon League (3rd/4th Grade), Filly League (5th/6th Grade), and Fox League (7th-9th Grades) have games that will be played on weeknights beginning mid-May. There will be a Softball Fastpitch Clinic option with registration. Registration begins in January.
Flyer Team Selection Info
Fast Pitch Clinic
Current Schedules:
Phoenix League Softball (9th - 12th Grades)
Register NowGames will be played on weeknights beginning the end of May/first of June. League will be combined with surrounding communities. Registration begins in January.
Current Schedules:
Girls' Accelerated Softball (10U, 12U, 14U)
This is an accelerated register-by-team youth softball league. Teams will play doubleheaders weeknights beginning in August. Teams must be registered with USA Softball. Registration begins in May.
Current Schedules:
Girls' Big Slam Softball Tournament (12U - 18U)
This is an accelerated register by team youth softball tournament that takes place in early August. More information can be found on our Recreation Events/Tournaments page.
Boys' Baseball (3rd - 8th Grades)
Register NowBoys' Baseball is divided into three leagues depending on grade. The Mustang League (3rd/4th Grade), Pinto League (5th/6th Grade), and Pony League (7th/8th Grade) have games that will be played on weeknights beginning mid-May. There will be a baseball camp option with registration. Registration begins in January.
Flyer Team Selection Info
UBBA Rulebook
Current Schedules:
Colt League Baseball (9th - 12th Grades)
Register NowGames will be played on weeknights beginning the end of May/first of June. League will be combined with surrounding communities. Registration begins in January.
Current Schedules:
MVP Baseball Tournament (8/9U - 14U)
This is an accelerated register by team youth baseball tournament that takes place in early April. Registration begins in January. More information (when available) can be found on our Recreation Events/Tournaments page.
Adult Softball (18+)
Register NowLeagues for men's, women's, and co-ed teams are offered beginning in the spring. Games will begin in April (spring leagues) and July (fall leagues). Registration begins for spring leagues in January and for fall leagues in mid-May or early June. We also offer various tournaments throughout the year, including Fiesta Days, Friday Night Lights, & Toys 4 Kids. Information regarding these tournaments will be posted on our Recreation Events/Tournaments page.
Current Schedules:
Centennial Park (Coach Pitch / T-Ball)
East Park (Coach Pitch / T-Ball)