Pioneering & Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreements

Pioneering & Impact Fee Reimbursement Agreements

calculator and financial documentsThe Development Engineering Division is responsible for receiving and processing applications for impact fee eligible infrastructure.

What improvements are impact-fee eligible?

Title of the Spanish Fork Municipal Code states:

Growth related infrastructure that does not have local connections shall be eligible for 100% reimbursement through impact fees. All roads along non-residential and multi-family development shall be considered to have local connection to the development. Parks shall not be considered to have local connection. If there are local connections, the difference between the regional and local infrastructure cost shall be eligible for reimbursement from impact fees. 600 amp electric lines are 28% reimbursable from impact fees. Roadway impact fee reimbursement shall only apply to improvements and land from back of curb to back of curb unless offsite along previously developed land. Intersection impact fee reimbursement shall be calculated by averaging the percent impact fee eligible of the two intersecting streets.

Eligible projects become reimbursable once they are added to the Impact Fee Facilities Plan (IFFP). The City Public Works Director will determine when projects will be added to the IFFP.

When and how much do I get paid back?

The City publishes an updated Impact Fee Facilities Plan (IFFP) and Impact Fee Analysis (IFA) each year with additional impact fee-eligible projects from the previous year.

Once your project is added to these documents and approved by Council, you will receive a partial reimbursement the subsequent September. Your reimbursement is based on the following factors:

  1. Your approved impact fee-eligible project cost amount.
  2. The impact fee-eligible project costs for other projects of the same utility.
  3. The amount of fees the City collected the previous year to distribute.

How do I apply for pioneering or impact fee reimbursement agreements?

All pioneering or impact fee reimbursement applications shall be made through CitizenServe. The following information will be required in order to process the application:

  1. Choose the "Apply for a Development Permit" option on our CitizenServe portal
  2. Application fee of $655.
  3. Scanned copies of invoices for all work completed that you want to be reimbursed.
  4. Construction drawings with each item from the invoice highlighted.
  5. Summary of invoices on a single spreadsheet in Google Sheets shared with