Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)
SWPPP is an acronym for Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan. When storm water drains away from a surface, it accumulates non-storm water pollutants as it flows over land and impervious surfaces.
SWPPPs are created to identify and stop pollutants from entering the city’s storm water drain system and waterways.
SWPPP Resources
Find templates and answers to your SWPPP questions.
Comments or Input on any SWPPPS or the City's SWMP
Please contact

Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP)
Urban growth and changes to our land causes an increase in storm water runoff. This causes a higher risk of flooding and for pollutants to enter the storm water drain system.
Our system can also become inadequate with age and being forced to support more runoff from growth.
These items can affect our streams, rivers, lakes, and the surrounding environment that depends on those waters. It can also become a concern for public safety.
We have implemented a maintenance plan for the storm water drain utility. Our goal is to eliminate pollutants from entering the storm water system to the maximum extent possible, and also to have a well maintained system that eliminates flooding due to heavy or extended rainfall.
This will be done by a number of activities which include: public education, street sweeping, cleaning by jet truck, mapping, tracking the cleaning and inspection process, and repairing any problems reported.
See below for helpful storm water related links:
- View our current SWMP.
- Hazardous Waste Disposal.
- Compost and Green Waste.
- Request storm drain maintenance or repairs in your area at the Citizen Support Center.
- Utah Lake receives storm water from most of Utah County. For more information regarding Utah Lake, please visit the Utah Lake Commission website.
Low Impact Development (LID) and Storm Water System Design
Low Impact Development (LID) refers to engineered systems, either structural or natural, that use or mimic natural processes to promote infiltration, evapotranspiration, and/or reuse of storm water as close to its source as possible to protect water quality and aquatic habitat.
LID practices help preserve, restore, and create green space using soils, vegetation, and rain water harvesting techniques. Spanish Fork has been an advocate of LID and has installed multiple forms.
Extensive research and educational materials have been developed to assist with understanding and implementation of LID practices.
- The Environments Protection Agency(EPA) website of LID Concepts.
- The Utah Department of Water Quality also offers a Utah LID Manual.
- All storm water drain systems must meet Spanish Fork City Construction Standards.
Part of our construction standards include retaining the worst case 25-year storm. If a geotechnical report determines retaining that amount of storm water is infeasible, the site will be required to detain the worst 10-year storm and pay into an LID Bank.
- To learn more about the LID Bank, visit our LID Information Sheet and our Construction Standards.
Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE)
An illicit discharge is defined as any discharge to the municipal storm water system that is not composed entirely of storm water.
Most non-storm water discharges occur due to illegal utility connections, failing septic systems, illegal dumping practices, construction activities, leaking equipment and vehicles, illegal pet waste disposal, poor landscaping practices, etc.
To mitigate these problems, an illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) program has been created. The program consists of monitoring, inspecting and removing illegal, non-stormwater discharges.
An essential element of this program is for the public to be aware of an illicit discharge.
If an illicit discharge is suspected, please call and report to 801-804-4440 or 801-804-4570.
If you happen to see someone dumping hazardous liquids storm inlet grates, boxes, etc., please contact Spanish Fork Non-Emergency Dispatch at (801) 798-5600.
Storm Water Pollution Awareness

Vehicle Maintenance
Wash vehicles on lawn or at a commercial car wash.Pour waste fluids into leak-proof container and take to disposal site.

Landscape Maintenance
Mulch grass and leaves instead of bagging.Sweep landscaping maintenance byproducts back onto yard.

Hazardous Waste Disposal
Take excess chemicals to household hazardous waste facility.Check for hazardous waste disposal events in your local area.

Pet Waste Disposal
Bag pet waste and dispose in trash.
Debris Disposal
Pick up waste, trash, debris, etc. and place in trash container.Don't dispose of liquid into a trash can that is not leak proof.

Conserve Water
Properly water your lawn to avoid excess runoff that can carry pollutants into a storm water drain.