What is the Utility Usage Portal?
The purpose of this program is to give the utility user the opportunity to take a more active role in their drinking water, pressurized irrigation, and power consumption. The goal for Spanish Fork City doing this is to help educate the utility user and residents in personal conservation which makes our current systems more efficient, by making maintenance costs more economical, and prolonging the life of our resources.
This program is for those responsible for the utility bill, which means that if you have a landlord that pays the city utility bills you will be unable to participate. You will need a copy of your bill to refer to, it contains the appropriate information needed to sign up. The following links will aid you in the sign up and different features available on the customer portal.
Historically Spanish Fork City has read water usage in the 1000’s of gallons. This was done for ease of billing. Unfortunately, this configuration was limited and kept us from seeing smaller increments that help with leak detection and water conservation. Since March 2019, Spanish Fork City has been preparing for this program by updating the water metering system to read usage down to the gallon for residential areas.
Benefits and Features
- Track your own usage daily. You can also go back and look at your usage history.
- Set up alerts for daily usage goals.
- Set vacation alerts to notify you if any usage is registered while you are away.
- Rate tier alerts can be set to notify you when a property exceeds usage in a rate tier.
- Customize nicknames to each of your meters, this is especially helpful if you own or manage multiple accounts.
- Add additional recipients to be notified of the alerts.
- Merge multiple utility accounts to a single customer portal account.
- Customize the units of measurement.

How to Sign Up for an Account?
- Have your account information on hand
- You will need the Account Number (excluding decimals) and Customer Name as it appears on your utility bill. If you are signed up for paperless billing you can find this info by logging into your account on XpressBillPay.
- Enter your email address on the
- You will receive an email with a link to complete your account signup. Click on the link and fill out the form. Be sure to read the instructions carefully.
- When entering your account number, remove any decimals/periods.
- Be careful if you have autofill turned on. Be sure to double-check the entered information before submitting the form.
How do I use the Portal?
Once your account is set up you can view your utility usage, but you can also easily customize meter names, set usage alerts, set up alerts for a vacation, and more. Sensus has put together several tutorials to show you how to accomplish these tasks on their website.
Questions and Requests
My meter usage reads in 1000's of gallons, what do I do?
Submit a request to have your meter reprogrammed or replaced to see your usage on gallons.
Who do I contact if I have trouble signing up for an account or if I forget my password?
Email conservewater@spanishfork.gov and someone will reach out to you.
On the Utility Usage Portal I have multiple meters. How do I tell the difference between Drinking Water and Pressurized Irrigation?
When looking at your bill check each utility type to distinguish which meter is associated with the utility and use the "Nickname" feature to label it accordingly. If you are still unsure please email conservewater@spanishfork.gov or call the Utility Billing Department at 801-804-4501.