Drinking Water Quality


Water Quality

The Spanish Fork City Water Division ensures the highest quality of water by collecting 10 bacteriological samples weekly (40 monthly) throughout the city and testing chlorine residuals on a daily basis. Water sources are tested every 1 to 3 years, depending on monitoring requirements mandated by the Utah Division of Drinking Water and other EPA regulations (i.e., pesticides, disinfection by products, inorganics, metals and Nitrates). Results of all water monitoring can be found in the annual Consumer Confidence Reports.

The following table shows the chemical content ranges from testing sample reports:
Constituent Test Results
Chloride 1.5 to 92 mg/L or ppm
Nitrate NO3-N 0.41 to 0.63 mg/L or ppm
Total Hardness 231 to 349 mg/L or ppm (13.4 to 20.24 gr.G)

Water Pressure

Water pressure varies throughout the city depending on the elevation of the home and the time of  year.

How Can I Know My Water Pressure?
Water pressure varies throughout the city depending on the elevation of the home and the time of year. See this map showing the average water pressure for different areas in the city. If you would like to compare your water pressure to the average for your area, you can do so with a water pressure gauge.
What Do I Do If My Water Pressure Is Too High or Too Low?
If your water pressure is too high or too low inside your home, you may need to have the pressure reduction valve adjusted. If you have a pressure reduction valve, it should be located in your home where the water line enters the home. It is recommended that you have a licensed plumber make any adjustments to your pressure reduction valve.
Could Something Else Be Causing My Pressure Issues?
Yes, often times residents believe they have pressure issues when in reality they have flow issues. This can happen because of a leak, blockage, or a faulty pressure reduction valve.

Snow Pack & Runoff

Below is information about the current snowpack and runoff.
chart showing current snow pack compared to previous years