Pressurized Irrigation

As a general rule, pressurized irrigation will be shut off in mid-October. As we get closer to that time of year, the City may provide a specific date through the newsletter, website, and social media.

Spanish Fork City’s Pressurized Irrigation system has approximately 170 miles of distribution main. These pipes range in size from 4 inches to 36 inches in diameter. The Pressurized Irrigation system is a seasonal utility that is typically filled with non-potable water in the spring around mid-April and drained in the fall around mid-October. The residential pressurized irrigation service size is 3/4" meter, while commercial pressurized irrigation sizes can vary from 2, 4 and 6 inches. To see what the pressure is nearest to your address which aids in designing your landscaping/sprinkler system, see our PI Pressure Map. Since pressure can vary throughout the city, the best way to find the pressure at your property when setting up a sprinkler system is with a pressure gauge on the system you are connecting to.

RETAIL WATER LINE DISCLOSURE: The retail pressurized irrigation service line is the pipe that extends between the water main or pipe in the road and the sprinkling system or the hose connection. Spanish Fork City is responsible for the water line on the street side up to the first fitting after the pressurized irrigation meter. The property owner is responsible for the water line from the first fitting after the meter and into the sprinkling system or the hose connection.  See Title 13.04.030H and SB 45.
Year Gallons Provided Population Per Capita Usage
2018 2,074,391,904 38,979 145
2019 1,800,445,150 39,371 125
2020 2,342,401,901 42,895 149
2021 1,976,045,741 47,169 114
2022 2,064,382,802 49,878 113
1 Irrigation Spring
2 Central Utah Water Connections
7 Pumping Wells

The State of Utah Goal is 225 gallons combined (DW and PI) per person per day by 2025.


If you have further questions regarding your pressurized irrigation/sprinkler system, see our Questions and Requests page.