
Office Location & Hours

40 S Main St
Monday - Friday; 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Contact Us

Text: 801-804-4500
Call: 801-804-4533


Form of Government


Spanish Fork City has a council-manager form of government along with many cities across the United States. The elected officials, five city council members and a mayor, appoint a city manager to fund the day-to-day functions of the City.

The elected city council serves as the legislative body for the City. The council focuses on the community’s goals, major projects, and long-term considerations like community growth, land use development, capital improvement and financing, and strategic planning. The council approves the annual budget. City Council duties are outlined in section 2.08 of the Spanish Fork municipal code.

The mayor presides over city council meetings, serves as a representative in government relations, and informs the public of new policies. He/she appoints members of various boards and commissions in the City, but does not vote except in the case of a tie. The mayor’s duties are outlined in section 2.12 of the Spanish Fork municipal code.

The city manager is appointed by the mayor and city council to oversee administrative operations, enforce and implement policies created by the City Council, and functions as the chief administrative officer of the City. The manager also has the responsibility to prepare the annual budget for the council's consideration and adoption. The manager’s duties are outlined in section 2.16 of the Spanish Fork municipal code.