Water Park to Permanently Close After 2021 Season
Construction on the new Spanish Fork High School will begin in the spring of 2021, starting with the new football field and track, followed by the remainder of the school in the spring of 2022. The Spanish Fork Water Park is on land that is owned by Nebo School District, and due to the layout of the new high school, the Spanish Fork Water Park will permanently close in September 2021.
Construction on the new Spanish Fork High School will begin in the spring of 2021, starting with the new football field and track, followed by the remainder of the school in the spring of 2022. The Spanish Fork Water Park is on land that is owned by Nebo School District, and due to the layout of the new high school, the Spanish Fork Water Park will permanently close in September 2021.
Spanish Fork City and Nebo School District are committed to keeping the pool open as long as possible, and are working with the construction team to keep the pool open next year, even after construction has started. While there are no plans at this time to replace the water park, the City is identifying potential alternatives. The City is currently working on an updated parks and recreation master plan, which establishes a vision for parks and recreation needs and desires moving forward. In the coming weeks, a survey will be available for you to share your vision for parks and recreation in Spanish Fork moving forward, including a future pool. The City also recently posted a more broad resident opinion survey, which includes a question about the potential for a future pool. Residents may take this survey at bit.ly/spanishfork20.
We understand that many in the community will be sad to see the water park close. We encourage you all to take advantage of the remaining two years of the pool. The following are key dates to remember for this season:
- Anticipated open date: Saturday, May 16
- Swimming lesson registration opens for residents: Wednesday, May 6 (register online at reconline.spanishfork.org)
- Water Park rentals are available now. To rent the Water Park, visit the Parks & Recreation Office (775 North Main Street) or call 801.804.4600.
We look forward to having two more great years at the Spanish Fork Water Park, and appreciate your support.