Silent Santa is a one-on-one event for children and adults with sensory sensitivity to spend quiet time with Santa, without crowds and noise.
The event will be held Saturday, December 4, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. (by appointment) at the Spanish Fork City Offices, 40 S. Main Street). See below for a link to sign up!
- Participants will be able to sign up for an individual 10-minute time slot with Santa.
- Parents can add notes to the registration form to let Santa know the best way to interact with their child.
- This event is for all special needs individuals who are wanting to see Santa in a no-stress environment.
- There is no age limit on this event.
- Parents can bring family members that they would like to have there during their time slot. However, we ask that you limit those you bring so the sensory-sensitive individuals receive enough time to visit with Santa.
- We ask that you respect the time given for each appointment so that you don't go over your time slot. Please also arrive on time.
- When you arrive, please wait in the City Council Chambers until it is your time to visit with Santa. Please enter the building through the west doors.
- Spanish Fork residents have priority for registration. Non-residents may apply starting December 1 if space is available.
Sign up here: