Members of the public wishing to get free sandbags can pick sandbags up at Canyon View Park on June 2 from 4 - 9 p.m. or June 3 from 7 a.m. - 5 p.m.
- You will be responsible for loading your own vehicle
- Kids need to remain in vehicles
- The river trail will be closed during this time
- No semi-trucks
- If you want more than 500 sandbags please call Nate at 801-804-4667 for a different manner of pickup.
Homes along the river can place the sandbags from their yard in city-provided dumpsters. Only flood debris/sandbags can go in dumpsters. Do not fill dumpsters past the fill line.
These dumpsters will be in place on June 2/3:

These dumpsters will be in place June 9/10: