Residents and visitors will experience a new traffic pattern on 1150 E (between Center St. and Canyon Road) starting Thursday, August 10.
These changes are additional enhancements since the removal of the stop signs at 1150 E 300 S in June.
The new striping pattern will add bike lanes to both sides of 1150 E. The change also adds a second lane northbound from Larsen Elementary to Center Street. This addition will help with school pickup and dropoff, especially for those going to Diamond Fork Middle School.

With the addition of a second lane, and bike lanes, some street parking will be limited. Drop-off/pickup from Larsen Elementary should not be impacted.
Additional safety features have been added by the school crosswalk at Larsen Elementary. These additions include concrete islands to calm traffic and RRFBs ("Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons" aka flashing pedestrian lights).
The concrete islands (below) at 300 S 1150 E will also be another protection for cyclists in the bike lane.

Crews are also working to change out a number of sidewalks to install ADA ramps.