Spanish Fork Parkway RR Crossing Approved as a Quiet Zone


For Immediate Release

March 21, 2024

Spanish Fork Parkway RR Crossing Approved as a Quiet Zone

Spanish Fork, UT — The Union Pacific Railroad Crossing over Spanish Fork Parkway was just approved as a quiet crossing. A quiet crossing means that trains will not blow their horn within a 1/4 mile on either side of the crossing. 

“We’re very grateful for Union Pacific Railroad in helping us make this silent crossing a reality,” Mayor Mike Mendenhall said. “This connection over the railroad has made a huge difference to Spanish Fork residents, and having this upgraded crossing is an even bigger benefit.”

In planning and building the crossing, the City added supplemental safety measures, including 100-foot medians at the crossing, to help achieve this designation.

“From the beginning, we planned for the Spanish Fork Parkway Crossing to be a quiet zone,” Engineering Division Manager Jered Johnson commented. “We built it to the standards and specifications required by UPRR. After completion and the crossing is open, the quiet zone requires approval from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). This process usually takes 90 days for inspections and public comment periods.”

Although it may not seem like a reduction in train horns because of the crossings just north (in Springville) and just south (400 N), this quiet crossing should help those living adjacent to  it. Most importantly, this designation is an indication of the safety measures that are in place for vehicles, cyclists, and pedestrians.
