The following projects and amounts are highlights of the Spanish Fork City fiscal year 2025 budget:
Fire & EMS Level of Service: $1,979,200: Fire & EMS Level of Service Increase - including transitioning volunteers to part-time, adding a full-time engine company (3 positions), & converting 12 part-time EMS to full-time positions crosstrained as firefighters
Average Utility Bill: $240.94. The average monthly utility bill for utilities, including internet, remains below average throughout Utah County.
Fire & EMS Wages: $5,647,640. Wages and benefits for Fire & EMS.
Wastewater Reclamation Facility: $46,000,000. This year's costs for a new Wastewater Reclamation Facility. It is under construction and should be operational in Fall 2025.
Police Wages: $6,968,780. Wages and benefits for Police.
Station 61 Feasibility Study: $750,000. Station 61 Feasibility study for remodel or reconstruction.
Abbie Court & Canyon View Park Playground: $285,000. RAP tax-funded playground replacement at Abbie Court Park and Canyon View Park.
Recreation Center: $40,000,000. This year's construction costs of the new Indoor Outdoor Recreation, Aquatic, and Community Center.
Urban Forest Landscape: $250,000. Landscape improvements at the Urban Forest.
VERK Industrial Park: $37,700,000. This amount is for the construction of regional infrastructure that includes road, storm drain, water lines, and sewer lift station. This amount is paid for by revenues from the project, not from taxpayers.
0% Property Tax Increase. The fiscal year 2024 budget did not have a property tax increase.