2024 has been a historic year for the library, and we need your help to break one more record by checking out more than 500,000 physical items in 1 year (which we've never done before)!
Between now and December 31, we'll have a gift card drawing for every 5,000 items checked out. Anyone who has checked out an item within those 5,000 will be eligible for the drawing. And the person who checks out the 500,000th item before the end of the year will receive the grand prize!
How can you help? It's as simple as checking out 1 additional book, game, puzzle, video game, video, or backpack when you come to the library. It's that easy!
5,000 Prize Drawings include either a Spanish Fork City beanie or tumbler, a $5 gift card to Crumbl, Fiiz, Walmart, Chick-fil-A, Swig, Kneaders, Joe Coffee & Espresso Bar, or Dutch Bros, and a Spanish Fork Library bag.
The Grand Prize winner will receive a $50 Amazon gift card, a Spanish Fork City beanie and tumbler, and a Spanish Fork Library bag.

5,000 Prize Drawings include either a Spanish Fork City beanie or tumbler, a $5 gift card to Crumbl, Fiiz, Walmart, Chick-fil-A, Swig, Kneaders, Joe Coffee & Espresso Bar, or Dutch Bros, and a Spanish Fork Library bag.
The Grand Prize winner will receive a $50 Amazon gift card, a Spanish Fork City beanie and tumbler, and a Spanish Fork Library bag.